Step 1: Draw any simple graphic design.
For this, I used my dad's black roller pen (while he was sleeping) for I had no black sketch pen. Knowing my blog is not looked at by cool artists, I suggest the ignorant
junta to use a pencil if they're not too sure about their drawing capabilities.
Step 2: Colour it according to your liking.
I used ordinary sketch pens. Since I had only a limited colour range, I used only those. You could make it more bright and colourful.
Step 3: Use any software or graphic editing program to render tonal variations to your artwork. I used Adode Photoshop (version 7.0.1). Create as many versions of your image as you please then compile them into a single piece to create your own pop-art masterpiece.
In case, you don't want to use any software for some damned reason a lazy moron like me wouldn't understand, then trace the image on different sheets and use a different colour scheme for each new piece. Stick them all on a single thick sheet of paper or cardboard and you are done.
This was the final step by the way.
About the title: Apparently, this already disappointing title turned out to be a lame reality show aired on MTV but nevertheless, the idea was to have a flashy name because the artwork would be very colourful, bright and flashy too. Also, if you notice, the illustration is pretty modern and punk style. Hence the title, Punk'd.
Note: This is just an experimental work to see how photoshop works and how it can be used for various other artworks.